Book Chapters


Alexander, Jeffrey C. 2021. "Introduction: The Populist Continuum from within the Civil Sphere to Outside It." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 1-16.

Altınordu, Ateş. 2021. "Uncivil Populism in Power: The Case of Erdoğanism." Populism in the Civil Sphere:7 4-95.

Arteaga Botello, Nelson. 2021. "The Populist Transition and the Civil Sphere in Mexico." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 96-124.

Binder, Werner. 2021. "Memory Culture, the Civil Sphere, and Right-Wing Populism in Germany: The Resistible Rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).” Populism in the Civil Sphere: 178-204.

Enroth, Henrik. 2021. "Populism and the Particularization of Solidarity: On the Sweden Democrats." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 205-231.

Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya. 2021. "The ‘Thirteenth Immigrant’? Migration and Populism in the 2018 Czech Presidential Election.” Populism in the Civil Sphere: 152-177.

Junker, Andrew. 2021. "Left Populism in a Communist Civil Sphere: The Lesson of Bo Xilai." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 232-250.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2021. "Conclusion: Is Populism the Shadow of the Civil?" Populism in the Civil Sphere: 287-303.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2021. "The Road to a Sociological Theory of Civil Society." Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory: 507-525.

Luengo, María and Małgorzata Kolankowska. 2021. “Far-Right Populism in Poland and the Construction of a Pseudocivil Sphere.” Populism in the Civil Sphere: 125-151.

Mast, Jason L. 2021. "A Civil Sphere Theory of Populism: American Forms and Templates, from the Red Scare to Donald Trump." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 251-277.

Morgan, Marcus. 2021. "Populism’s Cultural and Civil Dynamics." Populism in the Civil Sphere: 17-43.

Tognato, Carlo. 2021. “Commentary: Demarcating Constructive from Destructive Populisms: Civil Translation vs. Civil Mimicry. Populism in the Civil Sphere: 278-286.

Villegas, Celso M. 2021. “Disente and Duterte: The Cultural Bases of Antipopulism in the Philippines, 2001–2019.” Populism in the Civil Sphere: 44-73.


Alexander, Jeffrey C. 2020. "Conclusion: The Public Performance of Civil Righteousness." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 265-271.

Alexander, Jeffrey C., Anna Lund and Andrea Voyer. 2020. "Introduction: Civil Spheres, Pro-Civil States, and Their Contradictions." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 1-13.

Arteaga-Botello, Nelson. 2020. "Solidary Cuisine: Las Patronas Facing the Central American Migratory Flow." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 183-202.

Binder, Werner and Ana Mijić. 2020. "“We Are Jewish and We Want to Help You”: Righteous Cross-Group Solidarity toward Muslim Refugees in Vienna." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 61-89.

Egholm, Liv. 2020. "Complicated Translations." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 64-93.

Engelstad, Fredrik and Håkon Larsen. 2020. "Nordic Civil Spheres and Pro-Civil States." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 39-63.

Enroth, Henrik and Malin Henriksson. 2020. "The Civil Sphere and the Welfare State." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 15-38

Heins, Volker M. 2020. "The Righteous of the Transnation: Jews, Muslims, and a Politics of Friendship in Berlin." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration.: 35-60.

Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya. 2020. "“We Always Have Been and Always Will Be a Sanctuary City”: Cities as Righteous Actors in the Us Civil Sphere." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 231-262.

Kivisto, Peter and Pasi Saukkonen. 2020. "The True Finns/Finns Party: A Right-Wing Populist Party and the Backlash against Multiculturalism in a Consensus-Oriented Civil Sphere." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 256-280.

Luengo, María and Kafaa Msaed. 2020. "When Saving Lives Becomes a Crime: Performances of Solidarity with Migrants Along Europe’s Southern Border." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 125-151.

Lund, Anna and Andrea Voyer. 2020. “‘They’re Immigrants Who Are Kind of Swedish’: Universalism, Primordialism, and Modes of Incorporation in the Swedish Civil Sphere The Nordic Civil Sphere: 177-202.

Lund, Stefan. 2020. "Immigrant Incorporation in Education: High School Students’ Negotiation of Belonging." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 203-227.

Moran, Anthony. 2020. "Righteous Doctors: Reacting to the Inhumane Treatment of Asylum Seekers in Australia." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 91-121.

Nicolaou, Argyro and Yiannis Papadakis. 2020. "Reaching Across: Migrant Support Activism on a Divided Island." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 203-230.

Nilsson, Henrik and Åsa Trulsson. 2020. "" You Can't Liberate the Free": Gender, Work and Swedish Hijabis." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 95-123.

Schall, Carly Elizabeth. 2020. "Arts Difference and Incorporation: Swedish Hip-Hop as a Site for Civil Repair." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 124-150.

Sciortino, Giuseppe and Trevor Stack. 2020. "Developing Civil Sphere Theory the Nordic Way." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 289-299.

Skille, Eivind Å and Trygve B. Broch. 2020. "Sámi Sport in the Nordic Civil Sphere: Assimilation, Multiculturalism, and Multiple Axes of Membership." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 151-175.

Steen-Johnsen, Kari and Marte Winsvold. 2020. "Global Terrorism and the Civil Sphere in Norway: Renegotiating Civil Codes." The Nordic Civil Sphere: 229-255.

Tognato, Carlo. 2020. “Commentary: The Civil State in the Nordic Region and Beyond.” The Nordic Civil Sphere: 281-288.

Tognato, Carlo. 2020. "The Courage of Piety: Civil Solidarity and the Dead in International Migration." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 153-181.

Tognato, Carlo. 2020. "Introduction: Understanding Civil Courage in International Migration." The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration: 1-32.


Choi, Jongryul. 2019. "South Korea’s Presidential Scandal and Civil Repair." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 18-37.

Cooke, Maeve. 2019. "Disobedience in Civil Regeneration: Radical Transformations in the Civil Sphere." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 235-260.

Egholm, Liv. 2019. "Commentary: Matters of Translation." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 261-267.

Heins, Volker M and Christine Unrau. 2019. "Anti-Immigrant Movements and the Self-Poisoning of the Civil Sphere." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 145-169.

Junker, Andrew and Cheris Chan. 2019. "Fault Line in the Civil Sphere: Explaining New Divisions in Hong Kong’s Opposition Movement." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 104-25.

Kane, Anne. 2019. "The Civil Sphere and Revolutionary Violence: . The Irish Republican Movement, 1969–98" Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 170-209.

Khosrokhavar, Farhad. 2019. "The Civil Sphere and Its Variants in Light of the Arab Revolutions and Jihadism in Europe." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 92-122.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2019. "Conclusion: Reflections on Radicalism and the Civil Sphere." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 268-84.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2019. "Conclusion: Theoretical Issues in Comparative Perspective." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 285-296.

Kreiss, Daniel. 2019. "The Fragmenting of the Civil Sphere: How Partisan Identity Shapes the Moral Evaluation of Candidates and Epistemology." Politics of Meaning/Meaning of Politics: 223-241.

Ku, Agnes Shuk-mei. 2019. "Performing Civil Disobedience in Hong Kong." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 84-103.

Lee, Hee-Jeong. 2019. "Boundary Tension and Reconstruction: Credit Information Crises and the Civil Sphere in Korea." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 60-83.

Lin, Kuo-ming. 2019. "Developing Communicative Institutions in Local Communities: The Practice of Participatory Budgeting in Taiwan." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 234-255.

Luengo, María and Karoline A Ihlebæk. 2019. "Restaging a Vital Center within Radicalized Civil Societies: The Media, Performativity, and the Charlie Hebdo Attack." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 123-144

Ngai, Pun and Kenneth Tsz Fung Ng. 2019. "Attempting Civil Repair in China: SACOM’s Campaigns and the Challenge to Digital Capitalism." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 148-166.

Ostertag, Stephen F. 2019. "Antiracism Movements and the US Civil Sphere: The Case of Black Lives Matter." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 70-91.

Palmer, David A. 2019. "Three Moral Codes and Microcivil Spheres in China." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 126-147.

Palmer, David A. and Jeffrey C. Alexander. 2019. "The Civil Sphere in the Cultural and Political Transformations of Modern East Asia." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 1-17.

Park, Sunwoong. 2019. "System Crisis and the Civil Sphere: Media Discourse on the Crisis  of Education in  South Korea." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 38-59.

Shimizu, Mayumi. 2019. "Institutions and Civil Instantiation: The Case of Modern Japanese Police." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 188-212.

Stack, Trevor. 2020. "Wedging Open Established Civil Spheres: A Comparative Approach to Their Emancipatory Potential." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 11-41.

Stack, Trevor and Jeffrey C Alexander. 2020. "Introduction: On Radicalism and the Civil Order." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 1-10.

Tanaka-Gútiez, Yasushi Xavier. 2019. “‘We All Came Together That Day’: The 2011 English Riots as an Enactment of Solidarity.” Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 210-234.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2019. "Fantasy Is More Believable: The  Shadow Civil Sphere  in Chinese Online Fiction." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 167-187.

Tognato, Carlo. 2019. "Opening up Civil Sphere Theory: From the United States through Latin America to East Asia." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 278-284.

Tognato, Carlo. 2019. "Radical Protest on a University Campus: Performances of Civil Transition in Colombia." Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere: 42-69.

Wang, Horng-luen. 2019. "Reconciliation through the Transnational Civil Sphere? Historical Dialogue and the Tri-National Joint History Project in East Asia." The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 256-277.

Yanagihara, Yoshie. 2019. "What Constitutes ‘Autonomy’ in the Japanese Civil Sphere?" The Civil Sphere in East Asia: 213-233.


Alexander, Jeffrey C. and Carlo Tognato. 2018. "Introduction: For Democracy in Latin America." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 1-17.

Botello, Nelson Arteaga and Javier Arzuaga Magnoni. 2018. "The Civil Sphere in Mexico." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 19-38.

Jijón, Isabel. 2018. "Is Civil Society Dangerous for Democracy? New Directions for Civil Sphere Theory in Latin America." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 231-39.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2018. "Conclusion: Democracy and the Civil Sphere in Latin America." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 240-254.

Luengo, Maria. 2018. "Shaping Solidarity in Argentina: The Power of the Civil Sphere in Repairing Violence against Women." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 39-65.

Pérez, Liliana Martínez. 2018. "La Joven Cuba: Confrontation, Conciliation, and the Quest for the Civil through Blogging." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 95-117.

Shimizu, Mayumi. 2018. "Police Officers in Contradiction: Civility and Anticivility in the São Paulo State Military Police." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 179-205.

Stack, Trevor. 2018. "Citizenship and the Established Civil Sphere in Provincial Mexico." The civil sphere in Latin America: 206-28.

Thumala, Maria. 2018. "Civil Indignation in Chile: Recent Collusion Scandals in the Retail Industry." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 66-92.

Tognato, Carlo. 2018. "The Civil Life of the University: Enacting Dissent and Resistance on a Colombian Campus." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 149-176.

Villegas, Celso M. 2018. "¿La Clase Media En Positivo? The Civil and Uncivil Uses of “the Middle Class” in Venezuela, 1958–2016." The Civil Sphere in Latin America: 118-48.


Cottle, Simon. 2016. "Journalism and the Civil Sphere." Pp. 88-107 in Reporting Dangerously: Springer.

Kern, Thomas. 2016. "Inequality, Inclusion, and Protest. Jeffrey Alexander’s Theory of the Civil Sphere." Pp. 93-111 in Social Theory and Social Movements: Springer.

Kivisto, Peter. 2016. "The Civil Sphere Beyond the Western Nation-State: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections on Alexander’s Cultural Sociology and Its Contribution to Civil Society Discourse." Globalizing Cultures: 66-85.


Alexander, Jeffrey C. 2015. “Nine Theses on The Civil Sphere.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 172-190.

Bellah, Robert N. 2015. “Religion and The Civil Sphere: A Global Perspective.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 32-56.

Diani, Mario. 2015. Social Movments, Civil Repair, and Social Movement Theory.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 96-118.

Goldberg, Chad Alan. 2015. “The Jewish Question and The Civil Sphere.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 119-141.

Honneth, Axel. 2015. “Civil Society as a Democratic Battlefield: Comments on Alexander’s The Civil Sphere.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 81-95.

Khoshrokovar, Farhad. 2015. “The Civil Sphere and the Arab Spring: On the Universality of Civil Society.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 142-171.

Kivisto, Peter and Giuseppe Sciortino. 2015. “Introduction: Thinking Through The Civil Sphere.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 1-31.

Turner, Bryan S. 2015. “Civil Sphere and Political Performance: Critical Reflections on Alexander’s Cultural Sociology.” Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking through The Civil Sphere: 57-80.


Eulriet, Irène. 2014. "The Civil Sphere and on Justification: Two Models of Public Culture." The Spirit of Luc Boltanski: Essays on the ‘Pragmatic Sociology of Critique’: 413-23.


Spillman, Lyn. 2012. "“A Tense and Permeable Boundary”: Business Associations in the Civil Sphere." Solidarity in Strategy: 298-344.


Anderson, Clifford B. 2011. "Kuyper in the Civil Sphere." Creation and Salvation: Dialogue on Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for Contemporary Ecotheology: 147-168.

Marolt, Peter. 2011. "Grassroots Agency in a Civil Sphere? Rethinking Internet Control in China." Online Society in China: 65-80.

Tognato, Carlo. 2011. “Extending trauma across cultural divides: On kidnapping and solidarity in Colombia.” In Narrating Trauma: Studies in the Contingent Impact of Collective Suffering, edited by Jeffrey Alexander, Ron Eyerman, and Elizabeth Butler Breese. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.


Janoski, Thomas. 2009. "The Spirit of the Civil Sphere: Activating Static Conceptions of Volunteerism and Citizenship." in Civil Society in Comparative Perspective: 263-293.